Friday, June 17, 2011

i'm finally updating. was suppose to upload my make up tutorial but then it seems i'm so out of time to do so.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

maybe it is. maybe it's called faith. maybe things happen because of this.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

had a photoshoot today with a bunch of malays. who says i'm racist ? i'm so not because i'm the only non-malay among them. anyway, it was fun taking pictures, talking and listening to their convo :)
cheers :)
this is where i belong with u.

my dear sayang, i havent been texting me the whole day.
i was so worried because u were sick like u said. i tot something happened to you.
I was so worn out and worried for u not texting me. i've been waiting the whole day but i dun receive a single text from u. i'm so so worried. i didnt even have the mood to enjoy myself. haha ! u lost sayang. i won ! i didnt attend the after party. see see :). like u said that i'll club and go for the after party and so on but hell yeah ! i did not.
oh god, where on earth are u ? i miss u hell damn much.
father lord, i pray that he would text me tonight like tonight or call me tonight so i'll know how's his condition. i'm so worried.

a sudden thought, i forgot today is a friday. damn.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

this are all the epic and embarrasing shoots.
damn fat. indeed. i know.
i was too random. did some photoshoot this evening.
woot !
so happy :). kay go back to work :)